
Protestors rallied at Seattle Central College, then marched down Broadway towards the Neumos Theater

The signs made for the protest spoke not only to the ignorant racism of the name "Viet Cong," but also to white privilege in general

Almost all members of the Vietnamese-American community have a traumatic personal connection to this name. Family, friends or even they themselves personally were subject to the harsh and violent Viet Cong regime.

Many of the protestors wove a red and yellow flag, different from the current Vietnam National Flag. This particular flag was used when American-backed South Vietnam was fighting North Vietnam and the Viet Cong regime.

People gathered at the Neumos Theater in Capitol Hill to protest the theater, which promotes social justice of all kinds, booking a band with the name "Viet Cong." The band name is insensitive to many of Vietnamese ancestry, and those who have personal tr

Seattle University student, member of SU VSA and a proud Vietnamese-American Sean Lu was at the protest. His family, who immigrated from Vietnam, had family imprisoned and harmed by the Viet Cong when the regime was in power.

Protestors ranged from young to old and colored to white, each bringing their own experience of racism or prejudice with them